
Hi there! I’m a young economist based in Quito, Ecuador. I received my Bachelors’ degree from San Francisco de Quito university. I’m currently pursuing a career in the space of analytics and data science. This website is a personal space to share portfolio projects and ideas that support me as I acquire more skills and knowledge relevant to my career but also to my life. I have work experience as research and teaching assistant, junior consultant and as a trainee in the data governance function at Banco Pichincha.

As of today, my efforts are focused on building solid, essential knowledge in analytics. These efforts mainly entail self-education through online courses, books, and other resources. This site is complementary and its purpose is twofold: to serve as a way to communicate with others through the written word and to actively practice acquired skills. Besides, I’m attempting to further promote my learning efforts by seeking and taking jobs in the space of analytics. My aim, of course, consists of become a professional data scientist. Other efforts aligned with this goal include the successful completion of a masters, acquisition of relevant certifications, and the ongoing development of projects and this, my personal site.

Beyond deepening my knowledge in analytics, the intent is to explore and share the lessons along the way. During my early years at college I learned about agent-based models which lead me to learn the Python programming language and the scientific field of complex systems. Complex systems are still pretty much an interest of mine. Curiosity has filled many days with joy and enthusiasm. In this spirit, I was one the founding members of the Data Hub Project, a center aimed at collecting, tidying, and organizing existent and newly created databases, a project at the heart of the San Francisco de Quito university. There I learned about ETL pipelines, SQL, the Google Cloud Platform and became ever more familiarized with the scientific computing stack of the Python ecosystem.

Elías Mantilla